‘Decoupled’ Review: Where a divorced couple should orient themselves in their high-end life

Comedies with separated couples always give hope for the two of them to be reunited. However, sitcoms from India (mostly English) don’t seem to be heading that way. It was as if the title couple had landed together, even though they were still living together. But can we actually see the two members of this broken couple live together without falling into bitterness? A husband and wife are in the back of a car; the man twists his wedding ring. The woman sniffed profoundly and said to her husband, “Tell him.”

Shruti (Surveen Chawla) and Arya (R Madhavan) are husband and wife. They were going to divorce but still had to form a couple, not only for the sake of their daughter. But also because of the large circle in which they communicated. Shruti is a successful entrepreneur, and Arya is a bestselling author. They are pretty annoyed that the couple discussing driver body odour causes Shruti to mumble Punjabi. About how they can still be together with Aryan members and nose work.

You travel to a restaurant to provide service to one of Shruti’s main customers;

His wife is a vast Arya fan, and he wants to surprise her at a book club get-together. He was asked to shake hands with the young man of one of the group members. And Arya refuses, saying she is afraid to shake hands with the teens because she knows where they are, and one of them is not underwater.

Arya plans to fly to Mumbai to meet with Netflix about the rights to one of her books. But she got into a fight with the security guard. Especially since the man insisted on touching her phone to check her ticket. He ends up on the no-fly list, so he takes Shruti out for dinner. At the restaurant, he insults the hostess, asks rival writers to welcome her to her table, then insults her by showing up, putting on public shows, and complaining about the couple who just got engaged to a public show.

Decoupled, made by Manu Joseph, has an edge that we often see in Indian shows. The humour is closer to what we see on shows like Curb in many ways. Where the comedy is obnoxious, and the character-based humour is simple. While the first episode somewhat lost the balance between the two. There were more than enough funny moments to make us believe that balance would exist in the first season.

The first episode makes it easy to understand why Shruti and Arya got divorced:

Arya is a fool who can’t find anything suitable in everything. At least that’s how it turned out. But apart from falling into the “long-suffering” category. We don’t know much about Shruti. Why she fell in love with Arya and what led her to break up with her. He was so disgusted by her that not only did he not know. That he was going on a business trip to Mumbai. But he also explicitly told her that he changed his Facebook relationship status to “unmarried”.

He still seemed to hope that they would reconcile, or at least occasionally summon prey; he said: “never, never”. At some point, when these two do get back into their romantic orbit. We need to know more about Shruti if we’re to believe. That she ever fell in love with a guy who was so weird that she had a teen phobia.

We won’t just be meeting their friends and family at some point. Because they’re planning a “farewell party” where they announce their divorce. It should also take some of the comedic pressure off the leading pair. But then again, if Arya is going to be a jerk all season long, the crickets will age quickly.

The breakup started funny enough to hold our interest. But we needed to find out more about the couple’s two members’ divorce to understand why they were together in the first place.